Discover What Makes Satori Different. Satori Health and Wellness

(435) 669-4403
(435) 669-4403

Infuse Your Life With Meaning

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Satori is different. 

How is Satori different?

Most clinics treat multiple patients at a time without supervision by a caregiver. This is NOT the Satori philosophy. We sit with you one-on-one, the entire treatment, holding space through your most vulnerable moments to allow you to heal. We feel strongly that if you trust us with your care, we should provide the highest level of service available.

Why should I care how Satori is different?

If you’re considering treatment at a clinic like Satori, you want your mind to be at peace. If you are seeking care for trauma, psychedelic experiences can unlock difficult emotions. A skilled caregiver can help transform that trauma into beauty.

How does Satori help me integrate my experience?

We offer in-office psychotherapy, group integration and more! Additionally, each session with our providers has built-in time to process your experiences, emotions, and ideas.

How many treatments do patients usually receive?

Unlike other clinics, Satori extends the customary 6-treatment process over 3 months. This results in long-term, sustainable healing—usually at lower cost to you. Our focus on individualized patient care and integrative therapy helps you prolong the benefits of therapy.

Why does Satori spend so much energy focusing on the quality of the experience?

The quality of the experience determines your relief from depression and other mood disorders. At Satori, we ask ourselves: “How would I want someone to take care of ME?”

Welcome to Satori Health and Wellness

Welcome to our sanctuary of healing and wellness! If you're seeking relief through transformative treatments, you've arrived at the perfect destination. While we specialize in innovative infusion therapies, including those that offer profound benefits beyond the conventional, we kindly ask that you reach out to us via call, text or email. Certain search engines prevent us from explicitly mentioning specific treatments that rhyme with schmetamine, but rest assured, our commitment to your well-being remains unwavering. Our dedicated team is here to guide you toward the path of healing, whatever your needs may be. Much love.

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Trained Medical Professionals

You will be treated one-on-one, by trained professionals, the entire time you're at Satori Health


Dedicated to true and meaningful wellness for our patients.


Each experience is personalized.

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