About Vishva Niketan is a peace centre: a place for all nations to pursue the ideal of inner and outer peace. The name Vishva Niketan in Sanskrit means “Universal Abode†and is symbolic of the Centre’s desire to include all nations, religions, and ethnicities in its vision of world peace. Vishva Niketan has been established in the firm belief that enduring peace can only be attained when individuals achieve inner peace – cessation of conflict within themselves. In creating an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity close to nature, Vishva Niketan aims to awaken people to their inner spirituality so that they may return to the world beyond to create constructive change. Unlike many places of worship and mind-training, Vishva Niketan is focused outward as well as inward. Its holistic approach to healing the mind, healing the society and healing the environment reflects the Vishva Niketan’s unique peace message. Founder – Dr. A.T.Ariyaratne Who is Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne (Ari) Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne is the Founder and the present President of the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement of Sri Lanka, a grass-roots humanitarian organization based on the concept of ‘sharing of labour, thought and energy for the awakening of all’. Sarvodaya has been active throughout Sri Lanka since 1958 despite numerous hardships it has faced over the years. History Born in 1931 in the South of Sri Lanka, Dr. Ariyaratne had his primary education in the village school, secondary education at Mahinda College, Galle, and his higher education at Vidyodaya University. He started his teaching career at Nalanda College, Colombo, and while still a teacher there he took forty high school students and twelve teachers on an educational tour to an outcaste village. During this memorable visit, Dr. Ariyaratne guided his students and fellow teachers along his vision of sharing labour, thought and energy with the villagers and helped them develop their village. This first shramadana work camp marked the beginning of the Sarvodaya Sharamadana Movement.