Keshava, born and raised in a south Indian spiritual family, where he had a strong foundation of Spirituality and Yoga, at the early age. Propelled by this early spiritual foundation and highly inspired by the teachings of enlightened masters, he started to pursue the study of Sanskrit, yoga and philosophy. Later he found his Spiritual Master, a distinguished teacher of Vedanta, H.H.Swamy Dayanandaji of Himalayas and underwent a systematic and consisting training in his Rishikesh monastery for 5 years. He studied Sanskrit, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita- the Original source book of yoga and philosophy, under the guidance of swami Dayanandaji and his senior disciples.
He also had an opportunity to study the Yogic mysticism under the tutelage of Himalayan spiritual Master Swami. VedaBharati at Rishikesh and got initiated into Meditation and Mystic tradition. Keshava, later continued his academic pursuit and earned his M.Sc. and PhD in Modern psychology. He presented his Doctoral thesis on Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence and their interactive effect. He continued his Sanskrit study further and earned his M.A in Sanskrit and also got an M.A Degree in Advaita Vedanta philosophy. He also obtained his M.Sc. Degree in Yoga and natural healing.
Keshava has been teaching Yoga philosophy, Meditation and Pranayama, therapeutic yoga, Principle teachings of original Tantra, Sanskrit language and poetry, and Vedic Mantra Chanting in various academic settings and yoga teacher training centers. He taught more than 100 Yoga Teacher Training and Meditation Teacher Training courses for the seekers across the globe and acquired over 3000 Hours of teaching experience.
He is committed to bring a perfect blend of Ancient yogic spiritual wisdom, Advaita Vedanta and Modern scientific principles of Psychology and Quantum physics in his teachings, in order to bring peace and harmony in the modern society.
Apart from being a Psychologist and spiritual therapist, Keshava is also a strong exponent of alternative healing and ancient energy channelling techniques. He sincerely practices and teaches Reiki and Pranic healing. He is a certified master healer in Dr. Usui system of Reiki healing. Keshava lives a monastic life, practicing and teaching Yoga, Meditation and spirituality, in groups settings and as well as in private one to one sessions. He is committed to bring a deep change in the personality of a seeker in order to have a meaningful and blissful life with peace, harmony and Universal awareness.
200-Hour YTT, 300-Hour YTT, 500-Hour YTT
Sarvaguna Yoga
Sarvaguna Yoga