At The Yoga Den, we teach and practice hatha yoga. Hatha yoga brings an awareness of movement, breath and mindfulness. There are many styles of hatha yoga such as Iyengar, Ashtanga and Bikram, and these are all forms of hatha yoga. Sometimes yoga can be very strong and challenging, and at other times gentle or nurturing. Yoga is not just about strength and flexibility, it is also about gentleness and quietness and with practice all these qualities are present in our yoga and in time become a part of our daily life. The studio is a great space with lots of natural light and fresh air. We have all the props and mats for you – you’re welcome to bring your own if you wish. If you know yourself to be a heavy sweater bring a towel with you and please be conscious of your sweatiness when considering using props. When you arrive at the studio, say hello to the teacher and make your payment. Many come to class to relax so if you’re with a friend and want to chat, please keep your voices low. The studio is not heated and does not have mirrors. There are two excellent reasons for this. Firstly, a part of yoga is santosha (contentment) which means being at peace with what we have in each moment – adjusting your environment (heating the room) is one more way we try to control everything around us – yoga is about letting go of that need to be in control. When its hot, we do yoga in the heat. When its cold, we do yoga in the cold. Makes good sense. Secondly, about the mirrors… Mirrors can be an excellent tool to help you with your alignment, but your physical body is your outermost layer (anamayakosha) and yoga is about moving inward. Yoga is not a practice of vanity. Mirrors will only get you caught up in how you look, and how others look. Yoga is about learning to feel. An experienced practitioner knows where their body is and what it is doing without needing to see it from the outside.