Bodyhood describes a physical condition that is deeply felt in the body and is characterized by self-awareness, self-knowledge and self-ability. In this condition, we are one with our body - we inhabit our body completely. This connection allows us to rely on our body-feeling and not depend on others (guru). BODYHOOD PILATES, the Pilates method is functionally and not structurally taught, as Joseph Pilates had intended. The Bodyhood Pilates Method The Bodyhood Pilates Method (BH Pilates) is an extended approach to pilates training developed by Joseph H. Pilates over 75 years ago . Joseph Pilates then combined Eastern and Western exercise systems such as yoga, physiotherapy and gymnastics. Bodyhood Pilates Trainer Charleston Samu Rii Marquis (CSRM), practiced Pilates since 1975. He also studied kinesiology and the methods developed by Moshe Feldenkrais and Matthias Alexander. From the integration of these approaches, Bodyhood Pilates has emerged as a revisionist approach to understanding the Pilates method, which goes beyond dictation, theory, and accepted as well as accepted philosophy.