Quantum Foundation
Quantum Foundation is a combined, self planned and self financed endeavor for serving the creation. Wherever humanity is endangered or whichever service sector is neglected, foundation’s appearance is inevitable there. Whether it is in the solitude of the night or in the festivities of the holidays, whether in need of a mother or a third degree burnt patient, whether for the injured in a road accident or in a collapsed building, the thirty thousand blood donors of the foundation are at your service whatever the circumstances are. When it comes to services like Mother care, circumcisions, supply of pure water, healthcare, disaster management, relief distribution, rehousing and funeral services—the foundation grabs every opportunity to help the human kind with the utmost sense of human kindness.
Meditation is a mental exercise. This quiet practice expands our consciousness and improves our concentration and creativity. Establishing control over our own minds gives birth to a positive life view.Quantum Method Meditation is an ageless meditation technique that can be used for both earthly and spiritual benefits. It is a harmonious blend of the timeless methods of the ancient spiritual masters and modern scientific techniques.
We have guided meditations for diverse purposes such as relaxation; overcoming anger, sadness, and guilt ; goal visualization; self healing; and improving family life These simple but compelling meditations will awaken your inner power. As your inner world changes so will your outer world. Detail...The Science of Living for the New Millennium For a healthy, happy and successful life, we need a complete and holistic life-view. This is what is missing in today’s world. Most of us are trapped in narrow thinking. An accountant thinks he can solve all problems with accounting, an engineer believes technology is the solution to everything. The doctor believes medicine and surgery can restore perfect health. The bureaucrat believes .The birthplace of civilization is Asia. Religion and philosophy, science and technology are all deeply rooted in the Asian soil. The four great religions of the world—Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity—all have their roots in Asia. 2,500 years ago, when Aristotle and Plato were speaking of class division in their democratic system
Our mission is to help every human being fulfill his true potential by awakening his inner power. We are striving together to build a great compassionate community, where the value of every human life will be upheld, where every human being will be able to flourish his unique talents, enlighten his soul, prosper naturally, and live a meaningful life by serving humanity.