Om Yoga International Center, regd from Govt of and World Yoga Alliance is organised by Adhyatam Anusandhan Yog Trust regd. Haridwar(U.K),India-registration number: IV-426: Also registered under 1961 act 12-KK, 80G act(encourages charitable deeds towards the poor and needy and also offers donors tax benefits(Exampt U/S 80G of I. Tax Act 1961 Vide Letter No. C. C. 82(71)/Kar Mukti/Hdr/2010-11/Tech dt. 8/10/10 from 30/8/2010 onwards)). And FCRA-Foreign Contribution Regulations Act,1976 Ministry of Home Affairs,Govt. of.
The founder of Om Yoga International Center trust is Sh.Radhika Sharan ji. Having an aim in his mind and the desire to explore Yoga, he planned to establish a Yoga center for further research and through which message of Way to successfull Living can be spread in younger generation. Hence in 2010, Om Yoga International Center foundation was laid with the consent of other members under society act 1860.
This course helps your child to develop physically and mentally and also to develop a healthy respect for themselves and others. Neither in any schools or in any colleges. Om Yoga International Center is taught to the children how to stay happy. The Happiness program and Special course for Yoga for Children is meant specially to teach how to stay happy. The simple breathing techniques and asanas taught in the program, which include Shakti Kriya, give your child the tools to overcome negative factors such as fear, nervousness, anxiety, frustration, jealousy, etc. easily. Apart from this, some playful activities are specially arranged for the children to have an positive attitude towards life and to take every problem of their life as a mere small needle
The entire program is playful, effortless, engaging and fun, and all exercises and processes are designed specifically for this age group.This program brings up friendliness, forgiveness and respect n their life. Also, helps in their overall development that helps them to gain self-confidence and take every challenge of the life with a smiling face. Thus, assuring successful life and a bright future ahead..!
Yoga practice can help pregnant ladies by preparing their mind and body for labor and birth. The Yoga postures are gentle ways of keeping the body active and supple and minimize the common Pregnancy Symptoms like morning sickness, constipation, anemia, low level of Calcium in the body, fatigue etc..Yoga practice properly ensures normal delivery. The growth of baby before birth is proper.
Yoga helps in mentally relaxing a pregnant lady. This ensures proper growth of babies brain, thus, making a baby intelligent. It can also help in ensuring easier labor and smooth delivery by relieving tension around the cervix and birth canal and by opening the pelvis.
Yoga Precautions During Pregnancy
For the first trimester, standing Yoga Poses are advised as this will help strengthen the legs, enhance circulation, generate energy, and may reduce leg cramps.During the second and third trimester, you may reduce your time spent for practicing the Asanas to prevent fatigue and overwork. Instead focus more on breathing and meditation.
It is also not advised to practice from the tenth through the fourteenth week of Pregnancy since these are crucial times. Do not overstretch the abdomen; the emphasis of your twisting poses should be on the shoulders and the upper back and not on the abdomen. Avoid doing inversion.