Him Veda Ayurveda Panchakarma Center symbolizes efficacy and reliability of Ayurvedic treatments for disorders which are posing a challenge to the modern system of medicine. Ayurveda is as simple as mother nature itself. Simple yet not simplistic We have kept our working principles simple to match this simplicity. How we treat : Our doctors rely on the ancient ‘guna’ based concept of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a highly personalised system of medicine.Medicine in two patients of the same disease may totally differ because of the differences in ‘Prakriti’ (body type). Prakriti analysis is done before prescribing the medicines. Vikriti (disease) analysis is done using modern parameters like blood tests,scans e.t.c. We use our own medicines/herbs rather than falling for fancy Ayurvedic products. These medicines are made in our center from Himalayan herbs provided to us by the local farmers in Him Veda Ayurveda Panchakarma Center. We also use traditional Panchakarma therapies. We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge of Ayurveda so that they learn to self heal by following healthy lifestyle rather than being over dependent on medicines and doctors. We like to develop a strong personal bond with our patients. Food is the primary medicine and we look at it that way. Our food for the inpatients is cooked with love and care.