Reiki Healing & Meditation Centre is the vital life force which flows through all beings. The boundless energy is the power which brings forth all life in the Universe. Everyone is born with REIKI, for it is the energy of life itself.Although evidently originated in ancient Tibet, this natural healing art was revived over a century ago in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui. Today what we know as Reiki Healing is the method developed Dr. Usui, it is a simple way of connecting yourself with universal energy to heal yourself and others. Lord Buddha blessed thousands of people through this sacred power which is based on the transfer of Universal Life Energy. Living a Reiki life means living life completely. Reiki connects you with the ocean of cosmic energy. Once you are attuned you only need to have intention to do Reiki on yourself or others, the energy starts healing. Thus you can do self treatment and also provide healing to others. Reiki healing fills you with a sensation of peace, vitality, joy and relaxation. You feel being enclosed in a fine sheath of energy, it also helps to release withheld emotions and energy blocks. It helps healthy changes in Bio-chemical processes in your body, accelerates the process of regeneration of cells and tissues. It helps you wonderfully in developing your conscious awareness. When Reiki Healing & Meditation Centre life force is low or it is restricted in its flow, a person is more likely to fall sick. When a person is treated with the help of this Universal life force, it influences positive emotions, thought pattern and spiritual life, the positive effect of this force is nowadays being verified objectively by the technique of kirlian photography. Reiki Healing & Meditation Centre connects you to universal energy so you can heal yourself whenever you feel the need. You can balance your body, mind and spirit by spending some time each day devoted to self-healing. If you are feeling that there is something missing in your life that you can’t quite pin point, chances are that it’s your spirituality. By learning Reiki you are re-connected to your higher self, which means you will become far more intuitive, enabling you to make better decisions and to feel far more ‘whole’. Stress is recognized as a major contributor to so many illnesses in modern society. Reiki has an extremely calming effect, filling you with a sense of inner peace and serenity that will ensure that stress won’t rule your life. You will gain a sense of real self-purpose and inner clarity that may have eluded you previously.