Kaivalyadhama teaches and follows the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali, the pioneer who laid down the foundation for traditional yoga. Patanjali, who was the first to standardize and codify Yoga practice, drew up eight steps for silencing the mind: restraints, observances, postures, breath control, withdrawal, slowing of mind, contemplation and meditation.These eight steps systematically wash away the impurities of the mind, making it progressively pure and cleansed.
Kaivalyadhama has continued to grow and thrive. In 1951, the training college was inaugurated; in 1965, a unique Yogic Hospital opened its doors; followed by satellite institutes appearing in and other places. Now there are plans to change the institute’s status into a university. The Institute is graciously supported by then Government, and is a not-for-profit charity in which about 80 persons in total are employed. So many ground breaking firsts continue to keep Kaivalyadhama at the forefront of Yoga practice as a whole both in and across the world.
The health centre at Kaivalydham has about 70 rooms and hosts over 3,000 people every year.People come for weekly packages consisting of yoga and relaxation, panchkarma, ayurvedic therapy, naturopathy and massage therapy.The accommodation is spread across the campus, with simple clean rooms, attached toilets, air-conditioning and vegetarian meals.
Ayurvedic Therapy
Ayurveda is the sub-Veda of Athavanaveda (one of the four ancient Hindu scriptures). The word ‘ayurveda’ means ‘the science of life’. It is a complete medical system which has a unique way of understanding the body, and also of interpreting and improving one’s health.
Each patient attends a consultation with the Ayurveda physician to assess their current state of health and what course of treatment, if any, is to be adopted. There are three specific directions which are followed in deciding the course of treatment: Dosha (body energy), Dhatu (body tissue), and Mala (excretory products); and treatments are in two directions: Shodan (cleansing) and Shaman (balancing). Some treatments are prescribed for a specific reason, but others are given as a tailor-made sequence or programme of approach to the ailment.
Kaivalyadhama is world famous for its integrated approach to yoga therapy. Individuals come to us suffering from a wide range of ailments, and we design a specific programme which is known to be most effective in providing relief.
A medical check-up is the first and foremost activity, and pathology tests are carried out in-house if required. A ‘prescription’ for asana, pranayama, and kriya practice plus Naturopathy and special diet (if required) are established.
The whole programme also includes walks, basic meditation techniques, informal lectures, discussions and documentary films on related subjects. Then the treatment begins.
If you undertake yoga with the right spirit and comply with all instructions given during your stay, we know that you will find relief from your problems and have the opportunity to open up a new horizon to enjoy your life.
Special attention is given to those who seek to have an in-depth understanding of any sphere of yoga; and discussions with Kaivalyadhama scholars can also be arranged.
Soham Kutir
The Main Building
Vedanta Kutir
The Cottages