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27 Centers Found

Bali Usada Meditation Image
Meditation Centre 5.0 (3 reviews)

Bali Usada Meditation

n/a Avg. Price / day
Meditasi Kesehatan Bali Usada Dewasa ini, terdapat beragam pemicu stres dalam kehidupan: mulai dari tuntutan pekerjaan, masalah keluarga, perkara kehidupan sosial, hingga kesulitan finansial. Belum l...
Denpasar Bali 93 Views
Unique Yoga Shop Image
Yoga Studio 0.0 (No review)

Unique Yoga Shop

n/a Avg. Price / day
adalah Distributor Kebutuhan Interior terpercaya di Bali dan menjual berbagai kebutuhan interior untuk indoor maupun outdoor seperti Wallpaper, Karpet Natural, Karpet Wall to Wall, Rumput Sintetis, Gy...
Denpasar Bali 21 Views
Prana Healing Yoga Image
Yoga Training Centre 0.0 (No review)

Prana Healing Yoga

n/a Avg. Price / day
Prana Progam – Healing, Yoga Teacher Training, Classes, Retreats Bali Yoga Takes Us To The Present Moment - The Only Place Where Life Exists Bali - the Island of the Gods’ - is a beautiful, tropic...
Denpasar Bali 67 Views
Saia Pilates Image
Pilates Studio 0.0 (No review)

Saia Pilates

IDR 275000 Avg. Price / day
Saia Pilates Denpasar is a business in Pilates Studio category. The Pilates Studio is located at Jl. Tukad Gangga No.8, Panjer, Kec. Denpasar Bar., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80234, Indonesia
Denpasar Bali 36 Views
Sekretariat Ami-ayo Melepas Ikan Image
Meditation Centre 0.0 (No review)

Sekretariat Ami-ayo Melepas Ikan

n/a Avg. Price / day
Sekretariat Ami-ayo Melepas Ikan Denpasar is a business in Meditation Centre category. The Meditation Centre is located at Sekretariat Ami-Ayo Melepas Ikan, Jl. Taman Pancing Timur No.99X, Pemogan, De...
Denpasar Bali 12 Views
Soul Meditation & Training Center Image
Meditation Centre 0.0 (No review)

Soul Meditation & Training Center

n/a Avg. Price / day
With SOUL we will learn to know ourselves more deeply. This will help us get a better quality of life. We will learn to manage energy with BUNDA ARSANINGSIH Mother Arsaningsih started life as a sick...
Denpasar Bali 354 Views
Transcendental Meditation Center Image
Meditation Centre 0.0 (No review)

Transcendental Meditation Center

n/a Avg. Price / day
FOUNDER Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Apa itu teknik Meditasi Transcendental ? Teknik Meditasi Transcendental adalah suatu teknik mental yg sederhana, alami dan tanpa usaha yg dilakukan dengan duduk nyaman da...
Denpasar Bali 54 Views
Umah Shakti Yoga Image
Yoga Studio 0.0 (No review)

Umah Shakti Yoga

n/a Avg. Price / day
Umah Shakti “Umah” in Balinese means home for a family to gather and care for each other companion. “Shakti” in yoga philosophy refers to the energy that always move; the energy the create cha...
Denpasar Bali 33 Views
Yoga Systems Hatha Yoga School Bali Image
Yoga Studio 0.0 (No review)
Isha Hatha Yoga Isha Hatha Yoga School, Founded by Sadhguru, a yogi, mystic and a visionary, delivers Classical Hatha Yoga in its full depth and dimension. The programs are an unparalleled opportunity...
Denpasar Bali 21 Views
Yumi Iyengar Yoga Cempaka Studio Image
Yoga Studio 0.0 (No review)

Yumi Iyengar Yoga Cempaka Studio

n/a Avg. Price / day
IYENGAR YOGA STUDIO IN BALI アイアンガーヨガ教室 REGULAR CLASS Try Iyengar yoga, which focuses on classic postures with a deep awareness of correct alignment and precise actions in the body. PRIVATE...
Denpasar Bali 10 Views