The Maya Pilates, owned and managed by Mikea Frommer, is a small, intimate and professional studio for Pilates Instruments. The studio is located at Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh, 5 km north of Kfar Sava, on Route 554 (near the Sde Warburg, Tzofit, Gan Haim and Midreshet Beit Berl settlements).
Pilates training improves fitness and posture, restores injuries, chronic pain and injuries. The training is performed on instruments that have been developed and designed specifically for practicing the method. In the training they work on all parts of the body and emphasis is placed on balancing the flexibility of the body and its reinforcement. Pilates training helps in shaping and shaping the body and the improvement is quickly felt.
The first two classes are private, during which a training program tailored to the needs and abilities of the trainee is determined, taking into consideration age, body structure, posture, specific physical problems, pain and / or other impairments.The classes are taught in small groups of up to three people, accompanied by an individual and close, with a personal and individual training program, by a dedicated, highly trained and professional team of instructors
Pelvic floor in Pilates training
The abdominal cavity was divided from above by the diaphragm, on the sides by the abdominal wall and below the pelvic floor. There are quite a few abdominal cavities And is subject to many stresses, both on the bones (ribs, spine, and pelvis) and on the soft tissues (muscles,Connective tissue, blood vessels, etc.). All components of the abdominal cavity play an important role and have a direct effect on posture Muscular system and movement of the back, abdomen, pelvis and torso.