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Buddha Yoga Retreats Center

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Buddha Yoga Retreats Center



We take the food very seriously here at Buddha Retreats. As part of all our yoga and surf retreats we provide you with daily delicious and healthy meals. We serve an abundance of locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables, often coming from our own garden or the local markets. Our menu is based on the philosophy of whole foods, so we avoid processed foods and preservatives. In the morning we will serve you a healthy and energising breakfast which includes fresh fruit, homemade granola, freshly baked bread and banana bread among other things. Depending on your yoga and surf schedule you will enjoy a delicious lunch either at the Buddha Retreats house or we will give you a packed lunch that you can enjoy at the beach. After an active day we will serve a dinner on our terrace enjoying the sunset or indoors in front of the crackling fireplace. During the warmer periods we try to do a seafood BBQ with fresh caught seafood once per week. The other meals will be vegetarian. As part of our retreats you can enjoy fresh coffee, herbal teas and purified water as much as you wish. During dinner time we serve Portuguese red and white wines.

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Location of Buddha Yoga Retreats Center

Distance from You

Buddha Retreats Yoga & Surf Hotel, Rua Salvador Carvalho dos Santos 7, 2540-608, Portugal
EUR 106 Avg. Price / day

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