Welcome to Transformative Change
Thank for visiting. We are in the midst of a complete remodeling process for our online presence. We are happy to announce we have completed the first phase of our website’s facelift. Realizing websites are like our movement, needing to be dynamic and organic in order to reflect and capture our work as it happens, we are continuing to add more rich content to provide you with a complete picture of the services, programs and practices we offer and how they may help your organizations. This being the case, as you visit our site you may notice some pages are not completely finished, so we apologize in advance for any inconvenience.If you’re also interested in what is going on in the field of Transformative Social Change, please check out the field’s premiere blog and journal, transform.: vision and practice of transformative social change
Transformative Change (XC) is the first national center entirely dedicated to bridging the inner and outer lives of social change agents, activists and allies to support a more effective, more sustainable movement of social justice for all.
Whether that is in health care reform, education, homelessness, the environment, fair housing, LGBT rights, immigrant rights, women’s rights, rights for people of color, rights for youth…healthy, balanced champions mean rights for everyone.Our mission is to inform, incite and empower a broad-based, presence-centered transformative social change movement.Mission-driven and results-oriented, XC is a model for the growing movement toward integration, sustainability and wholeness in the lives of agents of social change.
CXC was founded in 2000 by author/activist, Rev. angel Kyodo williams, as a response to the need for more grounded, sustainable approaches to peace, justice and broad-based social change. Originally started in New York City, what was then known as the New Dharma Community held weekly gatherings that offered basic instruction in meditation and helped connect that practice to the daily lives of a diverse group of people. The success of the New York Circle became the inspiration for offering that possibility on a larger scale.
After co-teaching back-to-back African-American and People of Color meditation retreats at Northern California’s renowned Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Rev. williams was compelled to move to the San Francisco Bay Area to open a center of operations. She saw the Bay Area’s long standing twin cultures of social change work and mind-body awareness practices as a unique opportunity to bring these two commonly discrete areas together. By December 2003, she arrived in the Bay Area, sublet a small home, put cushions on the living room floor and the Bay Area-based New Dharma Community was begun.