Inferno Hot Pilates is the first ever dedÂiÂcated Hot Pilates Studio.
The stuÂdio offers over 50 Hot Pilates classes a week.The stuÂdio was started by Gabriella WalÂters in JanÂuÂary 2012. Gabi started the Hot Pilates craze in Las Vegas back in 2009 and has develÂoped the Inferno Hot Pilates class for everyÂone to enjoy. PreÂpare to be inspired, to sweat, to work hard — and of course, to feel great. Using Pilates prinÂciÂples, Inferno Hot Pilates is a chalÂlengÂing, full body, low impact, high intenÂsity workÂout. It is perÂformed on a yoga mat in a room heated to 95 degrees and 40% humidÂity. Hot Pilates strengthÂens musÂcles and burns fat — all withÂout the poundÂing of a high impact workÂout. It is designed for all fitÂness levels.
Hot Pilates is an extremely chalÂlengÂing full-body workÂout using Pilates prinÂciÂples. There is no impact, so it is safe pracÂtice for all fitÂness levÂels of students. And it makes you feel goooooood.How would you like to strengthen your core musÂcles so that you can easÂily lift up your up kids or carry your groÂceries? How about keepÂing your body feelÂing young, healthy, and strong? Would you like that?With Hot Pilates, you will tap into that core strength. After one week you will notice the difÂferÂence. The way you feel, the way you look, and all those compliments…And that is just scrapÂing the surface…The quesÂtion is… Are you ready for the change? Are you ready to get fit? Are you ready to feel inspired? Are you ready to BURN the past, TRANSFORM your life, and LOVE your future? Can you enviÂsion your new body… now…
What is Hot Pilates?
Hot Pilates is a trainÂing sysÂtem which comÂbines Pilates prinÂciÂples with high intenÂsity interÂval trainÂing and is perÂformed in a room heated to 95 degrees FahrenÂheit and 40% humidity.
Why would you do Hot Pilates?
Hot Pilates creÂates long lean musÂcle mass, burns fat, and increases fitÂness levÂels. It creÂates a stronger core, improves cirÂcuÂlaÂtion, and increases flexÂiÂbilÂity. It is perÂformed on a yoga mat makÂing it zero impact, proÂtectÂing your joints and musÂcles from the poundÂing of other exerÂcises like runÂning and jumping.
How does it work?
Hot Pilates comÂbines carÂdio and musÂcle tonÂing in a heated room. The high intenÂsity interÂval trainÂing keeps your heart rate up, helpÂing you burn fat. The Pilates prinÂciÂples sculpt you body, creÂatÂing long lean musÂcle mass. The heat loosens up the musÂcles quickly, and the humidÂity makes you sweat — eleÂvatÂing your heart rate, boostÂing metabÂoÂlism, and proÂmotÂing detoxification.
How do I get started?
All you have to bring is 1) a yoga mat, 2) a towel, and 3) a large water. We offer introÂducÂtory rate for new stuÂdents who want to try it out and monthly memÂberÂships who wish to make Hot Pilates their regÂuÂlar practice.