Spirituality and Social Change Unique to this yoga path, is the emphasis on transformation of society. P.R. Sarkar, not only taught the spiritual philosophy underlying tantra yoga and communicated its advanced practices, but created a unique socio-economic philosophy called PROUT or Progressive Utilization Theory. He saw the detrimental sides of both capitalism and communism and offered, through PROUT, an alternative approach through which the limited resources of the physical world could be shared with all in an equitable manner. Spiritual & Social Philosophy Tantric spiritual philosophy recognizes that the Supreme is one, and that the entire universe is created out of the waves of consciousness emanating from this singular Source. The diverse forms that make up this universe are the transitory transformations of part of the Infinite’s own cosmic body, flowing in a never-ending stream. Thus life and the universe never end, but parts of it are continuously being created and are continuously merging back into that Cosmic Consciousness or Brahma. This philosophy also recognizes that the one desire common to all is the desire for ultimate happiness. As all phenomenon of the created world are transitory, happiness based in these is also transitory and can never meet that desire for happiness fully. Only through our attraction to the Great is that happiness realized. We also recognize that, as this desire is universal, the means to attain it are the birthright of all beings. All are the children of the same cosmic Source thus all are our brothers and sisters, no matter where we are born, how we look or think, what path we pursue or station we hold in life. In Tantra social philosophy emerges out of this truth. If the means to attain Oneness with the Supreme or ultimate happiness is our birthright, then we are all responsible for helping each other find the means to undertake spiritual progress. If one goes hungry or has no shelter, how can he or she focus on meditation, for example? We must help society to change in such a way that all living beings are free to realize their highest potential. The philosopher and tantra yoga master, P.R. Sarkar gave PROUT as a socio-economic system that enables society to meet the fundamental physical, mental and spiritual needs of all. Group Meditation At our group meditations, we begin with chanting or kiirtan followed by 30 minutes of silent meditation. At the close, a spiritual text is read or a talk is given by one of the group members followed by discussion. If you would like to attend, please let us know you are coming so we can meet you a few minutes before the group begins to introduce ourselves and acquaint you with the format of the meditation group in more detail. Anyone new to meditation or practitioners of other styles of meditation are welcome to participate. Meditation Instruction Meditation is an essential tool for self-transformation and spiritual development. One of our goals is to make meditation available to all people free of charge. Specially trained teachers give personal instruction in the process of mantra meditation. While we offer group instruction from time to time, the primary mode through which meditation is taught is individual instruction. In this way the unique needs of each student can be best addressed and mantra can be given that is best suited to that individual. This science of mantra meditation originated many thousands of years ago. The form in which we practice today was refined for modern practitioners. Mantra meditation involves concentrating on the idea – the feeling – of bliss or infinite happiness. If we could truly grasp the ultimate Bliss or Ananda in Sanskrit, we would already be Self-realized. So that positive thought is introduced into the mind through the sound vibration and meaning of a mantra. Man means mind, and tra means that which liberates. So mantra means a word or phrase which liberates the mind. The ancients discovered that sound actually has a powerful effect on the mind. So the internal sound of a mantra is the most powerful way of concentrating the mind. It concentrates the mind on a particular idea – the idea (or rather feeling) of infinite peace and happiness.