The Open Way Mindfulness Center (OWMC) is owned and managed by the Open Way & Be Here Now Sanghas, in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Open Way and Be Here Now are both weekly meditation groups, based in the same tradition mentioned above, and meet at the OWMC. The OWMC is also home to many other classes and events offered and led by local community teachers. The OWMC is available to rent for such things as: dance, yoga, tai chi, small private gatherings, meetings, meditation, lessons, workshops, and special events. Please contact us either by phone or email to inquire more about renting the center: 406-549-9005 (to leave a message) or [email protected] Open Way Sangha formed in 1989 to practice mindfulness and meditation in the tradition of Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh and the Tiep Hien Order; translated in the West as The Order of Interbeing. In addition to weekly meditation practice we have two residential retreats every year, one in the spring (usually around early May) and one in the fall (usually around the end of September). The sangha schedule also often includes discussion groups, classes, and mindfulness day events. Open Way meets every Tuesday night from 7:00-9:00pm. Free to attend and open to everyone. The format includes two periods of sitting meditation with walking meditation in between, followed by either a tea ceremony, dharma discussion, dharma talk, sutra service, or reading the mindfulness trainings. See our calendar section for more information as to our weekly schedule. Open Way has an active Prison Outreach Program where some of the members help sponsor meditation groups in area prisons and assist transition to the community. Find out more on the Open Gate Community website.