NΥΣY stands for Nους Υγιής εν Σώματι Υγιεί: HEALTHY MIND IN HEALTHY BODY We offer a NEW LIFE ALTERNATIVE to the world through our 3 ROLES OF NYSY: 1. YOGA, PILATES & HEALTH ACADEMY 2. COMMUNITY FOR PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT & WORLD CHANGE 3. EXERCISE & WELL-BEING CENTER Welcome to your new pilates practice.At NYSY you will meet teachers with excellent training who will help guide you expertly through the basics of pilates practice so you can regain strength, healing, and energy. Start your Pilates at NYSY Studios by attending: 1) Pilates Intro 2) 4 Private Lessons, or 4 Pilates Starter Classes Upon completion you can attend group classes or private lessons according to your specific needs. Note: If you have any health concerns, please visit your doctor first and get his or her permission. Also, come by NYSY to book an appointment for a Physical Therapy Assessment.