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Aayana Yoga Academy

4 (17 reviews) 1492 Views Yoga Training Centre Bengaluru, Karnataka

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Aayana Yoga Academy

17 Reviews
Sabitha Shetty
My association with Regeesh goes back to my TTC days at Atmayan five years ago. As my interest in yoga grew so did my conviction that sincere teachers like Regeesh are the ones who can illuminate our path perfectly.I deem it a privilege to practise yoga regularly at Aayana under his expert guidance. For me, he has been the embodiment of patience, love and compassion -elements so vital to being an outstanding yoga teacher. When i decided to join Regeesh for the recently held 200 hours residential TTC at Rishikesh, from 28th September to 18th October 2015, little did i expect it to be the literally life changing experience it turned out to be. The course offered an extensive study of yoga in all its aspects including Anatomy, methods of teaching, underlying philosophy and an exhilarating ashram experience in the Himalayas. i have come back a better teacher with refreshing insights and vast practical knowledge thanks to the painstakingly designed course schedule. The course has succeeded in deepening my faith in the efficacy of yoga in addressing modern day ailments, be it of body, mind or spirit. Aayana and Regeesh will remain the cherished beacon to guide me forever on the path of my growth through yoga.
Balamurali Radhakrishnan
I have been practicing yoga and other forms of exercises from age 12+.Hav been to different Yoga camps during these years. But my life and my perception of Yoga has totally changed after I enrolled at Aayana 's Whitefield centre. Now every evening its looking forward to the 6am session the next day. Its a real treat every morning to the body mind and soul!!! I haven't yet got an opportunity to attend a session under Regeeshji's. But his students Mrinali and Dushayanth are enough proof for his abilities! Thanks for this terrific opportunity so close by Aayana. May many more on earth get to enjoy this blissful experience !!!

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Location of Aayana Yoga Academy

Distance from You

27th Main, Sector 1, H S R Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034
150 Avg. Price / day

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