Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Yuj’ which means the process of union and ‘Prasad’ which means Grace. The Yogic wisdom of unconditional love, service, discipline, equal vision and faith guides us in balancing our practical and spiritual life. Through the clouds of stress and uncertainty of today’s age, Yoga is truly the right path for us to tread on. Walking on this yogic path and knowing the ‘Self’ is the true ‘Yoga Prasad’ – The Grace of Yoga. This web site is Prasad’s small but sincere attempt at sharing something that he truly believes in. Prasad Rangnekar’s Yoga journey started at the age of 9 through asana and pranayama in a traditional Hatha Yoga school. It was during this young age that his observation of mind-body-breath started. Born in a devout spiritual household, Prasad was exposed to Yoga, Bhakti and practices like mantra chanting since early childhood. The seed of spiritual exploration was nurtured carefully through a regular practice of asana, pranayama, mantra chanting and wisdom teachings of traditional Hatha Yoga and Bhagavad Gita under the watchful eye of his mother. Somewhere deep within there was a knowing that he was more than the body and mind. Growing up in the dichotomy ofn society always made Prasad question and deeply contemplate on the nature of life, duality and existence. His restless mind was not satisfied with religious dictates that one was supposed to carry on blindly. Prasad went through a rebellious phase of exploring himself and what he was taught to follow as tradition. It was when he was 16 that he suffered from a near fatal illness and was bed ridden for 4 months. These challenging years of his life pushed him towards deeper Yogic exploration and contemplative studies of Yoga philosophy to find answers and turn his life around. Over a period of next twenty years, Prasad undertook many wandering pilgrimages across-Nepal retreating to the ashram monasteries in solitude and silence for weeks learning various aspects of Yoga. During this period He also studied the teaching styles of Sivananda Ashram and Kaivalyadham Institute. Over a period of time, with the blessings and guidance of his Guru, the direction and purpose of life was revealed to him. Over last 20 years, Prasad has been teaching the mind-body-energy practices inspired by traditional Hatha Yoga in and in over 15 countries around the globe. Prasad’s teaching is a distillate of his practice and realization over last 30 years. He teaches the wisdom of traditional Hatha Yoga inspired by the Nath-Dattatreya tradition, the founding lineage of Hatha Yoga. His teachings are rooted in the wholistic mind-body accepting, self-transformative aspect of Yoga aimed at realization of Love, Freedom and Bliss that we are. Through Yoga festivals, conferences, documentaries, blogs, articles, YouTube videos he has inspired many in their pursuit of Self-transformation. Prasad is recognized at E-RYT 500 level by Yoga Alliance. He is based out of and is the founder director of Yogaprasad Institute. Yogaprasad Institute conducts 200 and 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training and Self Development Immersions across the globe and has over 100 graduates to its credit. Self-acceptance, Self-empowerment, Self-trust, devotion and life acceptance is the main focus of the courses conducted through Yogaprasad Institute. Yogaprasad Our life as an ‘individual personality’ is series of ‘interactions’ every moment with the other ‘individual personality’ (another thing, situation, emotion, plant, animal, God could be anything), thus we are in continues flux of ‘action and reaction’. This interaction between two ‘personalities’ is the flow of Life.