In June 2013 Scarborough Borough Council voted to transfer the beautiful, historic building Londesborough Lodge to our charity, Rokpa Trust, as a Community Asset Transfer.We are now focused on the regeneration of this site, restoring it to its original splendour and cultural significance, and opening it as a centre for the health and wellbeing of the community. See photos of our transformation of this beautiful building here.
The main function of the centre will be to provide meditation and compassion-based mindfulness classes and retreats for both Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike, as well as health and wellbeing services with community outreach.
The ground floor is already open and we have started a programme of classes and retreats, and will soon be providing spaces for yoga classes and complementary health treatments. Learn more about our activities here.
In June 2013 Scarborough Borough Council voted to transfer the beautiful, historic building Londesborough Lodge to our charity, Rokpa Trust, as a Community Asset Transfer. We are now focused on the regeneration of this site, restoring it to its original splendour and cultural significance, and opening it as a centre for the health and wellbeing of the community.
The main function of the centre will be to provide meditation and compassion-based mindfulness classes and retreats for both Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike, as well as health and wellbeing services with community outreach.
It will be an oasis of peace and calm in the heart of the town, a holistic centre with a special focus on mindfulness and meditation. It will be a wonderful place to relax and unwind in an environment of compassion and respect, to heal one’s body and mind. The centre is already providing community outreach work, with mindfulness classes at the local hospice, schools and university, as well as at the drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre and several other social service organisations, businesses and charities.