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19 Centers Found

Jetwing Ayurveda Pavilions Image
Ayurveda Treatment Centre 5.0 (10 reviews)

Jetwing Ayurveda Pavilions

4500 Avg. Price / day
Both at home and around the world today, Jetwing is one of the leading names in the tourism sector in Sri Lanka. Resorts of untold beauty and experiences that one treasures for life have become our Ma...
Negombo 637 Views
Yoga Pilgrim Lodge Image
Yoga Retreat 5.0 (4 reviews)

Yoga Pilgrim Lodge

n/a Avg. Price / day
Yoga Pilgrim Lodge is nested on the bank of the transcendental Maha Oya River entering the magnificent Indian Ocean half a mile down the river. Where beats of industrialized life come to a c...
Negombo 361 Views
Mahamevnawa Anagarika Asapuwa - Kimbulapitiya Image
Buddhist Temple 0.0 (No review)
මින් විසි වසරකට පෙර මවිසින් ‛මහමෙව්නාව’ යන නමින් මෙම දහම් සේවාව අරඹන ලද්දේ මිහිඳු මහරහතන් වහන්සේගේ සේවාව සිහි වීම පිණිස යි. ඉතා නිර්මල වූ බුදු වදන් ලොවට පවසන විට සත්‍ය සෙවීමේ ආශාවෙන් යුතු නුවණැති මිනි...
Negombo Negombo 158 Views
Sudarshana Meditation Center Image
Meditation Centre 0.0 (No review)

Sudarshana Meditation Center

n/a Avg. Price / day
Sudarshana Meditation Center Negombo is a business in Meditation Centre category. The Meditation Centre is located at Minuwangoda Roundabout, Yatiyana, Sri Lanka
Negombo Negombo 142 Views
Pilates & Yoga With Bruno Image
Pilates Studio, Yoga Studio 0.0 (No review)

Pilates & Yoga With Bruno

n/a Avg. Price / day
Pilates & Yoga With Bruno Negombo is a business in Pilates Studio, Yoga Studio category. The Pilates Studio, Yoga Studio is located at 101/3 Alles Rd, Negombo, Sri Lanka
Negombo 101 Views
Ladies First Pilates Gym Image
Pilates Studio, Yoga Studio 0.0 (No review)

Ladies First Pilates Gym

n/a Avg. Price / day
Ladies First Pilates Gym Negombo is a business in Pilates Studio, Yoga Studio category. The Pilates Studio, Yoga Studio is located at Ladies First Pilates Gym, Negombo-Colombo Main Rd, Negombo, Sri La...
Negombo Negombo 98 Views
Sat Sangat Yoga Image
Yoga Studio 0.0 (No review)

Sat Sangat Yoga

n/a Avg. Price / day
Sat Sangat Yoga Negombo is a business in Yoga Studio category. The Yoga Studio is located at Pallanchena Farm Rd, Negombo, Sri Lanka
Negombo Negombo 98 Views
Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre Negombo Image
Meditation Centre 0.0 (No review)
Experiences we offer We offer a framework for a life-changing experience. By exploring and discovering the most fundamental question of all, “Who am I?”, we develop a sense of self-mastery that al...
Negombo Negombo 83 Views
Ayur Ayur Ayurveda Retreat Image
Ayurveda Retreat 0.0 (No review)

Ayur Ayur Ayurveda Retreat

n/a Avg. Price / day
Welcome to Ayur Ayur Ayurveda Retreat We invite you to immerse yourself in traditional and ancient Ayurveda treatments in a tranquil quiet environment at Ayur Ayur Ayurveda Retreat in Negombo, Sri Lan...
Negombo 71 Views
Ayu Care Center Image
Medical Clinic 0.0 (No review)

Ayu Care Center

n/a Avg. Price / day
Ayu Care Center Negombo is a business in Medical Clinic category. The Medical Clinic is located at 105/2 Goods Shed Rd, Negombo 11500, Sri Lanka
Negombo Negombo 61 Views