Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization As a worldwide family of individuals from all walks of life, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization offers an education in human, moral and spiritual values. To meet the challenge of change, it initiates dialogue and presents a fresh vision of the future. It recognizes the intrinsic goodness of all human beings and teaches meditation to help each one rediscover their inner resources and strengths. Contact us or go to for more information. Since 1936, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization has taught the art of Raja Yoga Meditation to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. A global network with more than 8,500 branches in over 110 countries, the Brahma Kumaris offer individuals from all walks of life, and education in human, moral and spiritual values. To meet the challenge of change, it initiates dialogue and presents a fresh vision of the future. It recognizes the intrinsic goodness of all human beings and teaches meditation to help each one rediscover their inner resources and strengths. The Brahma Kumaris also coordinates international and community projects and creates a variety of initiatives aimed at creating a better world where people live in peace and harmony.