Satipatt Hanavipassana Association Illinois United States is a business in Vipassana Meditation Centre category. The Vipassana Meditation Centre is located at Satipatt Hanavipassana Association, 9 Harriett Ln, Springfield, IL 62702, USA
I have been practicing Body & Brain Yoga/TaiChi for over a year and a half now, and the differences between when I started and how I feel now are like night and day. I am relaxed, peaceful, and my body feels good. I no longer constantly deal with lower back pain and depression. This is only a few of the many benefits I have gained through this practice. For anyone interested in increasing their energy circulation, flexibility, peace of mind, in reducing anxiety and depression, and in overall living a healthier, happier lifestyle, I highly recommend coming and trying a class!!
I have been practicing Body & Brain Yoga/TaiChi for over a year and a half now, and the differences between when I started and how I feel now are like night and day. I am relaxed, peaceful, and my body feels good. I no longer constantly deal with lower back pain and depression. This is only a few of the many benefits I have gained through this practice. For anyone interested in increasing their energy circulation, flexibility, peace of mind, in reducing anxiety and depression, and in overall living a healthier, happier lifestyle, I highly recommend coming and trying a class!!