The Vedic Yoga Centre (VYC) is a Retreat Centre which specialises in the science of Ayurveda and Yoga. The Centre is located on the banks of the holy river Ganga in the small town of Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh, located in the foothills of the Himalayas.
Rishikesh is regarded as the Yoga Capital of the World and is just six hours by car, train or bus from Delhi. The Centre is a peaceful oasis for learning and practicing the ancient science of yoga, specifically Vedic Yoga.
Before you come to visit us, allow yourself to let go of all your pre-conceived ideas about yoga, so that you will be free to refine your understanding of the traditional Vedic concepts and yogic practices. The practices offered by the VYC present a holistic approach to the concept of yoga which encompasses your total well-being through a range of different systems. Vedic Yoga is a traditional science based upon the teachings of the Vedas which were written between 1500 and 1000 BC. They show us how to return to our inner nature through various methods and techniques, which have been tested throughout the ages.
The courses offered by the Centre are based on these teachings as seen through the experience of Shailendra Singh Negi, senior teacher. In today’s world, there are many different forms of yoga, most of which are focused on one specific aspect of practice. However, the VYC uses a combination of all different ancient teachings which include Mantra, Meditation, Samyak Kriya, Asana, Pranayama, Bandha and Mudra, thus encompassing the body, mind and spirit. Practicing these will bring alignment to the life force within you, which will awaken your ability to live your yoga in all dimensions of your life, and giving you an attitude that will help you to Serve, Love and Surrender – qualities which we foster at our Centre. In fact, the essential point of Vedic Yoga is to learn how to surrender. When you learn how to serve, love and surrender, you can live your life whole-heartedly and fearlessly.
The way to connect with your higher self and tune the inner body only comes through practicing with discipline and determination. The Vedas are the wisdom, and the Yogic practice is the tool which helps awaken this wisdom within you. The result will bring harmony between your thoughts, emotions and actions, which will help you experience a life without fear, and one of peace, happiness and contentment. Some of the basic foundations of the Vedic methods include meditative contemplation, faith in God, trust in oneself, appreciation of (and living in harmony with) nature and the environment, and experiencing oneness in all relationships. Yoga is the underlying practical aspect of all spiritual traditions as it leads to enhanced awareness and realisation of oneness with the Universe. Just as the different beads of a rosary are linked together by one single thread, so all the various traditions of Vedanta and Tantra are linked by Yoga.