Here’s a list of the 15 most influential yogis on Instagram, who are communicating yoga as a synonym for living in the pink. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, self-discovery, rejuvenation, or a yogic lifestyle, these yogis usher it to your Insta feed with life lessons and yoga tutorials. The list here has been curated fetching various blogs on the internet, mooting about in authentic yoga groups on Facebook and the data from Instagram itself.
1- Sadhguru:
Instagram handle: sadhguru
Number of followers: 5.7M
Insta account age: 8-years
Average post engagement: 39485
Jaggi Vasudev, a 62-year old yogi, popularly known to all as Sadhguru. He is an Indian yogi, mystic, and author who hails from Karnataka. He is a prominent spiritual leader ranked as one of India's 50 most influential people. His Isha Foundation offers yoga programs around the world and is also involved in social outreach, education and environmental initiatives. Sadhguru's work has touched the lives of millions worldwide through his transformational programs. To know how Jaggi Vasudev became Sadhguru, read here.
2- Rachel Brathen:
Instagram handle: yoga_girl
Number of followers: 2 M
Insta account age: 8-years
Average post engagement: 16725
Swedish-born Rachel Brathen is 32-year old, a longtime instructor. Her courses focus on dynamic Vinyasa Flow methods, bringing alignment and breathing techniques together with creative sequences. She is the author of the book Yoga Girl, which became a New York Times best-seller. After mastering this yoga style on land, Rachel became one of the first instructors to take her practice out to sea with Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga.
3- Swami Ramdev:
Instagram handle: swaamiramdev
Number of followers: 1.4M
Insta account age: 6-years
Average post engagement: 21727
Swami Ramdev is a 53-year old yogi from Haryana. He studied Sanskrit and Yoga and earned a postgraduate degree with a specialization in Sanskrit grammar, yoga, philosophy, Vedas and Upanishads. He is the reason why yoga has become an integral part of life for many Indians, in the present time. His yoga programmes on television are a hit and have made yoga a household name in India. The credit of religiously practicing Kapalbhati and Anulom-vilom goes to Swami Ramdev. With a vision to materialize his dream, Swamiji first established the Divine Yoga Temple at Kankhal in Haridwar, Uttarakhand. At the invitation of the Secretary-General of India, Swamiji went ahead and led a program at the United Nations Organization's headquarters in New York to pass a resolution against poverty alleviation from all over the world. He has made us believe that yoga is not only for yogis but for the commoners too. He is the co-founder of Patanjali Ayurved Ltd, with his colleague, Acharya Balkrishna.
4- Laura Kasperzak:
Instagram handle: laurasykora
Number of followers: 1.1M
Insta account age: 8-years
Average post engagement: 15775
Bold and brave this 42-year old yogi is from the United States. Laura began her yoga journey almost 20 years ago as an addition to her workout routine. She did gymnastics and cheerleading before yoga. She loves to connect with her husband through Acrovinyasa and teaches her kids new poses. Laura is the ambassador for Bliss Paddle Yoga and the founder of Yoga Academy International, which aims to change the way yogis are educated and delivers quality yoga education from a heartfelt place. Laura is also the official VIP Ambassador for Alo Yoga. She has done yoga on stage for American Idol created by Simon Fuller.
5- Kino Macgregor:
Instagram handle: kinoyoga
Number of followers: 1.1M
Insta account age: 8-years
Average post engagement: 11100
Kino Macgregor, an international Ashtanga Yoga teacher from Miami is 32 years old. Kino is an author, writer, vlogger, world traveler, and the co-founder of Miami Life Center with her husband Tim Feldman. Kino is one of a select group of people to receive the Certification to teach Ashtanga Yoga by its founder Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India and she currently practices through the Fifth Series of Ashtanga Yoga. Her daily posts are profound and educational which are exceptionally real and honest. Do check out the blogs on her website:
6- Kerri Verna:
Instagram handle: beachyogagirl
Number of followers: 1M
Insta account age: 9-years
Average post engagement: 22116
Kerri is a yoga instructor from California, 45 years old, loves to teach on the beach. A mother of two boys and wife to Nick, living in South Florida. She has been teaching Yoga and Pilates for over 17 years and loves helping others find freedom through movement. She has developed her own style called "Beach Yoga with Kerri", where she teaches at her local beach and has launched the world's first online yoga TV channel, Omstars. Do check out her inspiring about us page. And her e-book, “HANDSTAND TRAINER”.
7- Hannah Haller:
Instagram handle: gypsyon_
Number of followers: 610k
Insta account age: 4-years
Average post engagement: 74601
Hannah Haller is a 32-year old from the United States, known for her Yoga workshops. Often posting yoga pictures with her boyfriend Pablo and her dog. Also known for a variety of yoga-related content which includes poses, techniques, and a lot of other teachings which Hannah shares. She holds various yoga retreats around the world. And accompanies a blog, titled 'Gypsy On Yoga'.
8- Ania:
Instagram handle: ania_75
Number of followers: 573k
Insta account age: 7-years
Average post engagement: 6314
Ania from London teaches Vinyasa Yoga in Dusseldorf and gives workshops and yoga retreats throughout Germany and Austria. In an everyday life, she’s a mom, wife, yoga teacher, interior designer, and a hobby photographer. By harmonizing her passion and creativity, she is dedicated portraying to people, the beauty of yoga. Ania is the ambassador of Alo Yoga. She tells, “What does Yoga mean to me? It is a way to live my life, to feel connected to myself and to nature, to be one with the universe. Yoga is my teacher and my friend, it´s one of the most important and precious experience I´ve done in my life. Yoga shows me the path when I feel lost; gives me lessons, when there are too many questions to answer; gets me centered when the world outside seems to be wrong and destructing. Yoga is my life philosophy.”
9- Riva G:
Instagram handle: riva_g_
Number of followers: 555k
Insta account age: 10-year old
Average post engagement: 21581
Riva is from New York, who started yoga about 15 years ago. She is a yogi, creative director, yoga model, and a contributing writer. The natural progression to Creative Director ensued after filling the role for many of her modeling shoots. Her desire to share her passion for yoga has led her to become a yoga model. She is a certified Yoga & Pilates instructor who enjoys teaching customized classes to her private clients. A contributing writer to Yoga Magazine, Huffington Post, & other publications, she lives with her husband, three kids, and their rescue-dog, Winnie. Do check out her blog and her online articles, offering her training through her website.
10- Chelseas:
Instagram handle: Chelseasyoga
Number of followers: 377k
Insta account age: 6-years
Average post engagement: 18963
Chelseas is specialized in Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga. She is a yoga instructor, who came across yoga in October of 2014 after feeling bored with a couple years of weight training, she took her first yoga class at her local gym and got hooked! She transformed in all the best ways possible! Chelseas lives in Seattle as a single mom to three kiddos, a pup, Selleck, and giant cat, Milo. She offers online training through her website and shares about her love for the practice of yoga, beauty routines, and lifestyle. Do check out her e-book “Rising Up Stronger”, OR get a subscription on the Playbook app where you can find her e-book in a video format.
11- Martina Rando:
Instagram handle: martina_rando
Number of followers: 342k
Insta account age: 6-years
Average post engagement: 13705
Martina is 27-year old, a fitness instructor from Milan, Italy. Started her yoga journey in 2015, she is a certified Hatha and Vinyasa yoga teacher who travels to teach in workshops and masterclasses all over the world. Her mission with #READYSETYOGA, her online yoga community, is to share her love for yoga, bring it to as many people as possible and make this beautiful practice more accessible to everyone. She also offers online training through her website and writes beautiful blogs on them. She says, “Through yoga, we are kinder, more balanced and united!”
12- Aubry Wiltcher:
Instagram handle: aubrymarie
Number of followers: 294k
Insta account age: 9-years
Average post engagement: 14542
Aubry is a 31-year old yoga teacher, model and artist based in California. She grew up in Edgewood, New Mexico and later moved to San Diego, California. She uses tools learned "on the mat" to overcome depression, anger, and self-esteem issues. And her goal is to share these tools with others. She has even done yoga with Caitlin Turner, also known as the Gypset Goddess. Through art, play and mediation, Aubry is always working to be empowered, loving and a balanced version of herself. She is even a sneaker enthusiast who has been featured on the sneaker blog Nice Kicks.
13- Lamise Mansur:
Instagram handle: lamise
Number of followers: 283k
Insta account age: 9-years
Average post engagement: 7783
Lamise is from Texas, she started doing yoga when she was 9 & her mother brought home a yoga VHS tape. A multi-talented yoga teacher who has continued to wow us with her incredible skill and strength on and off the mat. Lamise is the ambassador of Alo Yoga. Besides teaching yoga, she loves cooking healthy meals and writes exquisite writings on Instagram, one such is:
“Some days inspiration flows; feeling on top of the world and like there is nothing that can't be done. Other days it ebbs; like sand slipping between your fingers you just can't seem to grasp any of it. But all of it is fleeting and to maintain balance, one will eventually pave another path into the other. And that is the beauty of this life; that none of this will last forever. So, can you love now?”
14- Josh Kramer
Insta handle: joshkrameryoga
Number of followers: 215k
Insta account age: 6-years
Average post engagement: 9659
Josh Kramer is a 27-year old International Yoga and Handstand Teacher from Auckland, New Zealand. Having grown up in Zimbabwe, Josh moved to New Zealand in 2005 where he developed his passion for yoga. His style meets a unique blend of Iyengar Yoga and Vinyasa flow, emphasizing alignment and integrity in the poses. In addition to his postings and modeling shoots, he also offers online training through his website, using a range of props to ensure that students are able to easily deepen their practice and understanding of classical and nuanced yoga postures. Josh works as a Humanitarian professional, supporting the implementation of programs in developing countries, with the vision of achieving a sustainable world free from poverty and injustice. He has worked with countries across Africa, Asia, and the Pacific.
15- Sara Ticha:
Instagram handle: Sarahticha
Number of followers: 212k
Insta account age: 7-years
Average post engagement: 12209
Sara Ticha from Vienna is a yoga instructor, teaching since July of 2015. She teaches to those who are new to yoga, or practitioners who want to refresh their yoga basics. Specialized in Vinyasa Yoga, she is now practicing a few times a week in a beautiful old ballet practice room. She says, “Yoga is how you live and the attitude you have towards life. Three years after taking my first yoga class I noticed how much my life has changed, or rather how much I have changed, as a result of my practice. I felt a strong desire to share it with others, started teaching a group of friends what eventually lead to signing up for teacher training. What started as a hobby and a student job turned into a full-time career.” She also offers online training through a website:
Recommendations were taken from several Facebook groups and this article would not be complete without their help hence it's only fair we give credit where it is due.
Facebook groups-
Delhi Yoga Community, Hatha Yoga Community, Yoga With Adriene - community group
Aayush Bansal, Vibhor Mahendru, Vishal Modi, Arushi Sharma, Shan Sunder, Suresh Tirumale Venugopal, Parth Patel, Narender Satija, Swapnil Kumeriya, Karen Gravel, Shannon Huff, Lisa Larson, Collette Marie, Klover Gervais Stewart, Chelsea Cunningham, Laur Pat, Lisa Hilliard Reed, Rhiannon Marney, Jean Pfeifer, Ritta Lawr, Krithana J. Matthews, Richel Mayberry, Sarah Schubert