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932 Centers Found

Yoga Flow Center Image
Yoga Training Centre 4.0 (2 reviews)

Yoga Flow Center

n/a Avg. Price / day
YogaFlow is a yoga space, ayurveda and wellness in the heart of São Paulo, a cozy haven of tranquility where you can escape the stress of living in this great city. Conceived a decade ag...
Sao Paulo 471 Views
Vipassana Meditation Center Image
Vipassana Meditation Centre 0.0 (No review)

Vipassana Meditation Center

n/a Avg. Price / day
Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of the most ancient techniques of meditation in. It was rediscovered by Gotama the Buddha more than 2,500 years ago and was taught by hi...
Joao Pessoa 621 Views
Vipassana Meditation Centre Image
Vipassana Meditation Centre 0.0 (No review)

Vipassana Meditation Centre

n/a Avg. Price / day
Vipassana Meditation Centre Parana Brazil Brazil is a business in Vipassana Meditation Centre category. The Vipassana Meditation Centre is located at Vipassana Brasil - Parana, R. Francisco Juglair, 2...
Parana 616 Views
Dhamma Saraṇa Vipassana Meditation Centre Image
Vipassana Meditation Centre 0.0 (No review)
Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. It was taught in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal il...
Sao Paulo Brazil 1099 Views
Centro De Yoga Satyadhara Image
Yoga Training Centre 0.0 (No review)

Centro De Yoga Satyadhara

n/a Avg. Price / day
Yoga Satyadhara Center (CYS) is an institution dedicated to teaching and propagation of Yoga Classic with a modern scientific approach and affordably to everyone. With international recognition, CYS i...
Rio Grande do Sul 337 Views
Iyta - Associação Internacional Dos Professores De Yoga Do Image
Yoga Training Centre 0.0 (No review)
A I.Y.T.A. - International Yoga Teachers Association (Associação Internacional dos Professores de Yoga), cuja a Matriz está situada em Sydney - AustrÃ&i...
Sao Paulo 358 Views
Personal Pilates Studio Brazil Image
Pilates Studio 0.0 (No review)

Personal Pilates Studio Brazil

n/a Avg. Price / day
Pilates é um método de treinamento criado na década de 1920 pelo alemão Joseph H. Pilates. Este método visa o fortalecimento muscular...
Sao Paulo São Paulo 274 Views
Uni Yoga Cente Image
Yoga Training Centre 0.0 (No review)

Uni Yoga Cente

n/a Avg. Price / day
Uni Yoga Cente Sao Paulo Brazil Brazil is a business in Yoga Training Centre category. The Yoga Training Centre is located at Uni Yoga - Rua Oscar Freire, 2283 - Jardim Paulista, São Paulo - SP, 05...
Sao Paulo 326 Views
Acro Yoga Center Image
Yoga Training Centre 0.0 (No review)

Acro Yoga Center

950 Avg. Price / day
Acro Yoga is an Acrobatic Yoga modality that integrates elements of Yoga practice such as: discipline (Yama), self-control (niyama), posture (asanas), breath control (pranayama), among other elements...
Sao Paulo São Paulo 686 Views
Yoga Sivananda Image
Yoga Training Centre 0.0 (No review)

Yoga Sivananda

BRL 225 Avg. Price / day
Yoga is a system of integral education, which involves not only the body, the mind and the intellect, but also the inner spirit. Yoga is indicated for all, it is universal. Our Center was founded by S...
Porto Alegre 404 Views