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Ashtak Yoga Center

5 (14 reviews) 856 Views Yoga Teacher Training Centre Goa, Goa

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Ashtak Yoga Center

14 Reviews
Having waited for a few years to make the Yoga Teacher Training a reality, I have searched and searched some more to find a teacher that could have been genuine, tradition and self-experience driven, truthful, honest, insightful, knowledgeable, patient, funny, peaceful, human, compassionate, absolutely not an iron-man therefore human and so much more..... I was basically looking for a miracle. Gaurav is the miracle! :) It has been a privilege to be one his students in Thailand 2015 an experience that will remain with me for the rest of my life for sure. I will be the first one on line for a future courses anywhere in the world.
I loved the 200h TT in Thailand and learned a lot about yoga, ayurveda, medicine and myself. I really enjoyed the focus on the inner attitude. Gaurav and Kate showed me that you can be a good yogi without meditating 5h per day ;) During all yoga classes I attend after my teacher training with Gaurav and Kate I can hear their voices saying “Smile and enjoy yourself!”. I try to incorporate a lot of what they taught me or inspired me to learn into my own practice and my daily life. The main thing I´m thinking about at the moment is: When can I come to India and spend more time with Gaurav and Kate? Thank you!!

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Location of Ashtak Yoga Center

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Jolly Park, Arambol Beach, Goa
147 Avg. Price / day

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